Education as an Evolutionary Process towards a Renaissance

Steadfastness in wisdom, a heart full of love and compassion for the entire world, and the courage to protect the weak is described as a model human character in all scriptures of the world. History talks about such illuminated souls who lived larger than life on this Earth. These exemplary people started imbibing values from their mother’s womb. Circumstantial impressions chiselled their thought, speech and action into one magnetic persona. They rose above their weaknesses and became the torchbearers for new ideas. They walked down a path of simple living and high thinking. This evolution process led to a renaissance, at times. Those were the golden era in the history of civilization. 

Today such characters are found only in films (not in real life) and people look up to them because they have the fascination that somebody with such extraordinary powers will come to emancipate them from their pain and bring peace and prosperity to the society. People feel insecure and miserable despite clinging to bombastic political parties, pretentious religious leaders, superficial NGOs and screeching markets.           

Scriptures have enjoined three types of pain i.e., physical, psychological and accidental. Measures are further ascribed to come out of these pains, and enjoy bliss in life. But these ancient scriptures could not visualize the fourth type of pain borne out of human arrogance and interference that most of the people are undergoing today. No concrete remedial scriptural measures are therefore available. This pain is arising because of shrewd system management. Political and economic powers have polarized the resources – survival and livelihood of the working class, and indigenous communities are made hapless in such a way that a vast majority of the people in the global scenario are subservient to a mighty minority whose decisions control their lives.

An elected government is serving us; the market too is offering every possible facility and comfort for a better living. But the spring of joy and satisfaction has dried up. The inner confidence and self-esteem of communities is simply missing in spite of numerous welfare schemes, protective laws, and regulations. We all agree that the root cause of this deprivation and marginalization is ignorance about the modern hypocritical and hierarchical system of development. Bereft of the knowledge, courage and logical thinking, communities are being swayed away from their primary duties. Lucrative publicity, false promises and mouth watering temptations are being designed by vested interests existing in the Government, Market, political parties, religious and social organizations.

Traditional wisdom systems evolved in thousands of years have been consciously sabotaged and at times unconsciously ignored. Before reaching the new generation, their stream has dried up and gone beneath the surface. The British neglected them first and their obedient ruling class followed suit. Who will now make herculean effort to reveal this stream of knowledge again? When ignorance in a community can be milked by every stakeholder of development then who will take the pain to live with them and dispel their ignorance on governance structures, and service delivery mechanisms? Our post independence experience proves that any quantum of preaching, campaigns, sermons or socialistic development measures is window dressing! It makes us believe that the welfare machinery is working and will soon develop the community. The mirage doesn’t vanish, no matter how close we get to it.  Every successive year Governments have failed to achieve the targets set by them and by the United Nations. Programs end up with some false statistics and some irresponsible reasons for failure. The project is closed. Then after some time new programs are implemented with new employees, new projects are started with the same objectives. Expropriation of resources, accumulation of wealth and centralization of money power, however, are breaking all records.

For the growth and sustainability of human civilization, a harmonious relationship among Nature, Society, Government and Market is essential. Today Nature is devastated, Society is stagnated, values are degenerating, Government is growing all-powerful and Market has become God i.e. omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient. Common man’s life is devoid of joy and a sense of security. He is dependent on the mercy of shrewd manipulators conspicuously present within these autocratic power structures.

The learned of yore said that education enables a person to immerse himself in infinite bliss based on inner self-realization, free from all bondages and pains and detached from the outside world. We see the converse happening today. The mainstream education including all ancillary innovative experiments is aimed at minting money. We don’t mind creating more Gulams who do not hesitate to design infrastructure that selfishly narrows human consciousness and further facilitates the process of exploitation of Mother Nature. If they can’t become slaves, they become brokers. Such slaves and brokers present themselves for sale in the marketplace. The bosses sitting above determine both their price and work. Simple communities lose the battle as our children’s qualifications are used to keep the luxury and authority of the ‘Maalik’ sacrosanct. It is just unthinkable to lead a life independent of the overbearing Government and intrusive Market forces. Religious and social worlds are largely governed by these forces leaving no room for the working class to have self-secured, peaceful and heedfully prosperous existence. 

True education enables a person to face the situations that she comes across in day to day life efficiently, effectively in one’s way. This understanding is the essence of the author’s life experiences. He has authentic experience that such a learning process can build individuals enriched with independent thinking and a sense of urgency to save humanity from the looming disaster. But this cannot be an isolated experiment with other factors in the society refusing to accept change. It will be a grand confluence. A degenerating stream is eroding the fertile soil as well as human values at a wild speed. Hence holistic transformation process is essential to reverse the trend, bring back trustworthy relationships in Family, Society, Government and Market in harmony with Mother Nature. Education would pioneer this steady evolution process and serve as a subtle and integral part of it – as visualized by Swami Vivekananda, Mahatma Gandhi and Vinoba Bhave.

How can Lokgyanpeeth assist Young Minds?

1.         To assist a pupil to know thyself with all potentials, weaknesses, opportunities and constraints in the way of making him/her an independent and courageous individual as an indivisible part of the entire creation

2.         To initiate a process of capacity building to enable the volunteers to take up social reconstruction and development activities in rural India in harmony with indigenous communities, modern society and Nature

3.         To ensure the self-sustenance of the volunteer through productive use of her skill and resource mobilization

4.         To educate the villages to preserve and promote their indigenous wisdom systems: assert their autonomy and power provisioned in the Constitution of India

5.         To assist the community in rightful thought and action i.e. live independently with self-esteem and concern for each other and be the primary partner in the development programmes for a dignified livelihood

6.         To guide in scientific management of land, water, forest, animal and the human capacity for symbiotic growth

7.         Promote Inter-sectoral cooperation among Government Departments, research & academic institutions, business & social entrepreneurs, entertainment agencies for better leverage of resources and institutionalization of the village development process

Volunteers’ Learning Centre

‘Capacity Building for Behaviour Change’ will focus on institutionalizing this process as part of the knowledge and skill documentation, sharing, demonstration and learning continuum as an integral component of a Volunteers’ Learning Centre devoted to holistic education on social action. It will create internal expertise facilitated by context-wise external inputs through the institutional process. Volunteers will be promoted as change agents, technology adopters, promoters and social entrepreneurs. They can lead the transformation process while self-sustaining themselves. They will feel empowered to take the mission ahead being with the community as a catalyst to multiply resource invested, preserve the environment, practice human values, and transform life & livelihoods.

This centre, unlike others, would be open for participatory learning, where a fresh youth with a passion for social work can get a welcome and there is scope for all sorts of imagination, innovation, creative actions and social mobilization. The intended education will address questions of capacity building aimed at social development activities. Trade and skill-based education aiming at the development of local surroundings for local action, will constitute an important component. This education system will extend its activities to ensure self-employment or engagement of the taught pupils.  Actual behaviour change can be measured from her approach to life, from her ways and means of living. Impact of the institution can be judged from self-governance and overall contribution to the health and happiness index of the country. It must ensure that the taught has learnt the skill and has the confidence to execute it; initially maybe with some support but little later, she is capable to carry on independently. Such pupils can be a role model for others. This mechanism of promoting actionists can be successful when integrated into a multi-dimensional holistic social transformation process. 

Our children’s ability to think and act

Our kids work hard to get good scores in exams. Some of them excel and others try to catch up. However, if we take a broad perspective, exams are not an end in themselves. They are meant for mastering a subject well. Pupils need to have this mastery to be proficient in solving problems not just around them, but also in their own lives. The harsh and painful truth is that they are not truly capable of doing so in real life. Today even university students are not confident about dealing with complex situations. They are bogged down with loads of data, unhealthy stress and endless preparations for degree/entrance exams. That’s why they are in the jugaad of doing slavery and if they can’t do slavery, they choose to be brokers.

Exams can’t be wished away at least in the near future, but parallel tracks can be opened for willing and hard-working young minds. If trained properly, they can aim well, do justice to their regular studies and serve the nation too. 

Prospectus of capacity building

1.         Qualification: 25 students may be selected yearly from the operational areas of partner community based organizations (CBOs). Instead of formal qualification emphasis will be on a commitment to serve the needy people in remote areas. They should be imbibed with honesty, integrity, sensitivity and above all spirituality. Both male and female students having respect for the community are welcome. All this may help to win the heart of the community and create a conducive atmosphere.

2.         Time Period: Total course can be a journey spread in a customised time span. Every month 10 days of class and 20 days practical can be planned. More than teaching the subjects, the focus will be to build their personality through subtle observation and analysis of their behaviour, ability to receive and practice, style of functioning, assessment of understanding, and evaluation of performance.

3.         Teaching method: Few teachers may be engaged full time with one programme manager. Some dignified and experienced teachers will be invited on an honorary basis. More than the subject taught, importance will be on the persona of the teacher. Her dedication, contribution and achievements in the social sector will influence the pupil. Her co-living will help the student to be courageous, to rise above one’s weaknesses, face the constraints and utilize her potential to live for a greater cause. Truthfulness, confession of faults, love for self, community & Nature, and inspiration to be an unattached missionary will flow from this association with noble teachers. This learning atmosphere will help to learn punctuality, humility, compassion, communication skills, efficiency, self-esteem and dignified relationship with others.

            We are keen that training be given out of classrooms through the Socratic method of question and answers. The teachers being a part of the learning process will spend time with the learners. This is essential for the smooth flow of knowledge. The mission here is to build integrated human beings enriched with spiritual realizations ready to be involved in the social transformation process.

4.         Subjects: Curriculum may be divided into 3 parts i.e.

a.          Knowledge about Self

b.         Society

c.          Work of the volunteer

The most relevant subjects are:

i.          Anthropology, Social Science, Social justice, Law and legal aid

ii.         Culture, Logic, Philosophy, Spirituality, Religion, Ethics, Epistemology

iii.        Nature, Environment, Forest, Wildlife, Disaster management

iv.        Holistic health – diseases, causes, prevention and cure- medical aid. Study of present health services

v.         Livelihood – sources, constraints, opportunities for artisans, fisher folk, farmers, forest dwellers

vi.        Community development – integrated village micro plan, management of natural & human resources

vii.       Governance, Administration, Development programmes of the state and central Government

viii.      The functioning of Judiciary – the system of justice past, present and future, its pros and cons. Village justice process

ix.        Functioning of mainstream media (print and electronic). Community media mechanism

x.         Traditional wisdom systems, practices and processes; it selection and scientific validation

xi.        Marketing – raw material collection, cultivation, value addition, processing, packaging, storage, selling

xii.       Character building, Psychology, Rational attitude, Scientific perception, Logical behaviour

xiii.      Public relationship, entrepreneurship (social & business), Organization, Management

xiv.       Community Mobilization: Community Convergent Action; Peoples actions for construction and resistance

xv.        Accounting, maintaining books of records, Financial transactions

xvi.       Process and event documentation. Record maintenance. Presentation and reporting techniques

5.    Pertinent topics for training of volunteers

i.          Understand the socio-economic crisis from its depth, magnitude, historical background, future consequence

ii.         Understand local issues from a broad perspective and link it with a global context

iii.        Activities for actual human resource development, social empowerment and self-reliance of the community at the grass-root level to build community as primary stakeholder (not a beneficiary) in the development paradigm

iv.        Process for consolidation, modification and focus of endeavours at village and gram panchayat (GP) level to create a model village

v.         Techniques to promote community infrastructure, organizational interaction, institutional access

vi.        Steps to install Community Surveillance, monitoring and response system at the village level

vii.       Process for inter-sectoral coordination among institutions (academic & research), Departments (Central & state), Organisations (business & social) that will lead to community convergent action and a complete change of attitude

viii.      Individual growth, interpersonal relationship and personnel management in a dedicated group

ix.        Guidelines for documentation on the following line to develop an integrated village micro plan, consolidated at higher levels, dovetailed with need and potentiality of the locality.

            –           Social, Ethnic, traditional knowledge and Economic Profile with schemes of the Govt.

            –           Quantity and quality of land, water and forest, animal, skilled and unskilled labour available

            –           Potentialities, possibilities and constraints in the community, Government and Market

            –           Demand and supply position of the agricultural, forest products and services

6.        Broad Activities (in Villages) by Volunteers and Teachers

i.          Assessment of Strength, weakness, opportunities and threats in the process of the village development

ii.         Mapping of resource needs, indigenous knowledge available for use of the resources

iii.        Analysis of gaps in physical and resource needs. Analyse the appropriate technology required

iv.        Prioritization of interventions incorporating development support from Govt and NGO sources

v.         Skill building and resource mobilization strategies including community contribution

vi.        A mechanism for community budgeting of Land, Water and Forest, integrated with Natural resource management, livelihood promotion, disaster mitigation and sustainable development plans

vii.       Wastewater recycling; rainwater harvesting, waste processing and utilization

viii.      Strengthen the Community Based Organisations like Van Suraksha Samiti (VSS), Village Forest Committee (VFC), Self-Help Groups (SHG), Youth Clubs etc

ix.        Training, research, technology development and demonstration to form the seed of ‘village as college’

x.         Plants, soil and water quality monitoring, sentinel children surveillance, and community response system linked to an empowered committee for necessary negotiation with concerned line departments of the Government

xi.        Higher-level quality monitoring, disease control mechanisms  through traditional healers and public system accounts committees. Promote holistic health through preventive and curative mechanisms.

xii.       Clear Monitoring and evaluation of linkages between inputs, throughputs, outputs and outcomes

xiii.      Development of model cottage industries and distribution system marketing mechanisms availing micro credit and entrepreneurial opportunities     keeping intact the spontaneity, voluntarism, mutuality and cooperation

xiv. Prove the village to be a model of unity in diversity and assert their power to take decisions independently

Resolutions of Gram Sabhas and regulations/ recommendations of the Government will be taken into consideration to cater to the specific needs like water conservation, horticulture, collection and marketing of forest products.

7.        Indicators

i.          No of Volunteers trained and how many of them are self-sustained while being a catalyst in the community

ii.         No. of villages transformed from meager beneficiary to primary stakeholder and self-sustained

iii.        No of events and processes in which multi-stakeholders are involved with inter-sectoral cooperation

8.        Outcomes

i.          Life of a volunteer should blossom like a flower. She should act with conceptual clarity and commitment to the cause.  Should be a role model as a Lok Sikshak or Lok Udyogi or a LokNeta.

ii.         They will work in own way with a missionary spirit on people’s education or constructive/resistive actions for social transformation

iii.        Trained social volunteers should self-sustain using own skills and local resources

iv.        Operational villages are free from conflicts, blind beliefs, intoxication, exploitation and discrimination

v.         Sustainable economic and ecological development is ensured preventing distress migration, malnutrition

An introspective prism

We have accepted a baser and mundane definition of ‘knowledge’ which we have learnt from our families, society and academics. This has split our personalities, hid our inner capabilities and made us dwarf and dependants on external factors. The word ‘knowledge’ today means an accumulation of a bunch of information. The entire impetus is directed towards memorization of this information and that information; expressing it in examinations, presentations, and ignoring the learning when it comes to praxis. This is why we live in an age where thought, speech and action flow in three different directions. Institutionalized hypocrisy and double standards are so evident in our National character. Sensitive young generation notices this and does not respect their seniors. Children tread the same path of deteriorating, demeaning values!

Today, we see famous intellectuals, experts and very important persons hankering after power, prestige, awards and money. They are speaking / writing opposite to how they actually act. This false identity originates from extra concerns for our gross existence and lurking fears of losing it. A shallow understanding of Self culminates in our lack of knowledge of the Creator, the act of creation and above all the laws of Mother Nature. So… the intelligent, educated but ignorant ones are ready to compromise to any level with anybody. These persons fall victim to their megalomania and insecurity to achieve a transient celebrity status.

The market frenzy uses foul means and successfully creates a craze among youth. They soon become proud fans of celebrities. Monetary gain accrues to the ‘service provider’! But the young followers, who pay for these services, grapple with illusion – trying to imitate the ‘halo’ around people performing in films, sports, music, political or religious arena. A facade of celebritism and fanaticism subsumes them.

This celebrity culture has led us to a low level where a civilization of 7000 years is bowing down to cricket players and movie stars. A performer is raised to the level of God. Cricket and films are sermonized as a religion with as many as 99% of the youth community madly following them – euphoria created by the glittery market and supported by myopic Governments. 

Voices of protest

Why is it so that annihilation of millions of species and devastation to Nature is not decelerating? It is because a majority of our scientific innovations, technocratic and technological applications, materialistic advancements and above all management expertise has gratified the greed of some and brought more and more miseries in name of comfort to the society at large. The ‘progress’ has now reached a plateau and the common sensible man feels suffocated and humiliated.

Rebellious souls have raised voice against this hypocrisy and hierarchy, whenever and wherever the crisis loomed large. They chose to work for people’s education / constructive reforms / resistance to the wrong doings of the greedy market and selfish Governments. These people are dedicated, motivated, emotional and compassionate but sporadic, unilateral and philanthropic. Some of them have been successful in protecting people from adversity or in addressing developmental issues by successfully breaking the barriers created by complex bureaucracy / political stubbornness / corporate hegemony.

But often they have been crushed by a self-centred Government or a deceitful market or both through legal and illegal means in connivance with secretly promoted anti-social elements. These initiatives have also died down due to over-ambitious actions or division into many subgroups. Isolated protests could not blossom into a fruitful surge because of conflicts, lack of clarity and consistency, and fragile ego boosted in the name of ideology.

We can learn from past mistakes, though. Facilitation, modification and consolidation of ongoing endeavours can pave the way for unifying diverse initiatives. That can be our firsthand knowledge, and basis of progression.

What is knowledge?

When a person’s life and livelihood; career and entertainment; ambition and mission are one and undivided, then her mind gains mastery over her desires and becomes her friend, philosopher and guide. Such a person disseminates the fragrance of love in the true sense. This love preludes knowledge. In the absence of love there can be no knowledge whether of physical or the metaphysical world. Love for anything is the primal to accumulate knowledge about any object or subject. Else it is all superimposition or surface level impressions gathered for outward gains of prestige, power, money etc.

Love precedes knowledge, and action succeeds it. A person with abundant love gradually acquires wisdom, living a life of sublimation. Her every action that flows out, is interconnected and leads to evolution of the being. We don’t see such persons today, so we are deluded by the folks who have plucked a bunch of information from secondary sources and are presenting it to us like a postman. This flower-bouquet is lifeless because they have not internalized and realized what they utter, only continued to rote like a parrot by spraying perfume on withered flowers for instant applause. Their speech is not reflected in their attitude and behaviour. The closer you go to such people, the more disillusioned you are to feel the difference in their thought, speech and action.

Actions emanate spontaneously from one’s being and are shaped cognitively with the surroundings where one lives. This inherently helps in building an integrated personality to a level where one becomes an example for others to emulate.

A restless mind on the contrary, will lack consistency. She can’t be successful or stable in her actions. She cannot retain the input, throughput, output and outcomes.

What does a Master do?

Every heart needs time and space to discover roots of its own. This base, once found, requires germination. Focus and will power are subsequently needed to grow dreams to reality. A soul thus discovers its own definition of life based on righteousness and harmony (Swa-Dharma).

The preceptor or master has to wait and watch, cooperate unconditionally, guide whenever it is necessary.  Then a new consciousness, a new personality will spring up from the same old entity.

The Master should always be unperturbed, cool and in tranquillity.  God will do HIS work in HIS time, in HIS way. Master is just an instrument in thy hands. Master’s steadfastness of wisdom may inculcate extraordinary energy within the co-workers’ personality; performance of the co-learners and colleagues. This requires constant prayer and, as much as possible; sustained and integrated action; joyful mind of the preceptor and the pupil.

Blissful attitude of benevolence by the learner and the learned is a prerequisite for Lok Sangrah (any impetus for emancipation of the masses). The spirit of Charaivati – Charaivati (go ahead – go ahead) helps one to find a path amidst darkness.


The human history has always adored ‘Masters’ – Saswat Dharma Gopta – who initiated the transformation process. Today there is a dearth of them. Society is groping in the dark…waiting for such learned deliverers, who by their noble deeds can achieve union with the Almighty and be a humble prophet for the present and future generations.

Can we, as a collective of redeemers and preceptors, build a people’s process with academic rigour and scientific temperament? Genius persons could take an aesthetic rebirth from that process. The civilisation, and Mother Nature could be saved from the impending disaster through the warp and weft of this social process. This is the way to be honoured and remembered by our children.m